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Want to quickly contribute to our FBOA Scholarship Fund from your PayPal account? Just click the Send button from the PayPal app on your phone and press the QR Code button at the top of the screen. Align the QR code below in the frame. You can choose an amount and add a note. Try it today!


Upcoming Meetings


Sunday, February 23, 2025, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School, 6:30 PM.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 2153 Arrowhead Trail, St. Joseph, 6:30 PM.


Saturday, March 8, 2025, Coloma High School, 9:00 AM.

Training Dates Posted for 2024-25

Meeting dates have now been posted for the 2024-25 school year. In some cases, there are some oustanding dates that are TBD, particularly in the case of rookie/mechanics training. These will be posted as they become availalble. You can always see meetings upcoming in the next 30 days in the sidebar on the right side of any FBOA web page. In addition, the full list is available on our Meetings page. We encourage you to visit this page and add them to your calendar now!


Want to quickly contribute to our FBOA Scholarship Fund from your PayPal account? Just click the Send button from the PayPal app on your phone and press the QR Code button at the top of the screen. Align our QR code below in the frame. You can choose an amount and add a note. The code is available on the home page temporarily and always at the top of the sidebar on any page. Try it today!

Now Available -- Pay Dues for 2024-25

Navigate to our Dues page to safely pay your FBOA dues for 2024-25. You can pay securely using PayPal or any major debit/credit card. If you choose, you can also contribute toward our student scholarship fund at the same time you pay your dues. Thank you.

Go to our Dues page now

Navigating Our Site

Our website is designed to be as feature-rich and user-friendly as possible. Much of the content is being pulled from our online database. If you have any issues as you navigate, or have any suggestions for ways the site can be more beneficial to you, please pass them on to our webmaster using this link. Below are some of the site's features:

  • Pictures in the upper right-hand corner of each page are all of FBOA members in action. These pictures randomly change each time you visit a new page or refresh the page you're on. Have a picture you'd like included? Send it to us and we'll get it up!
  • Upcoming meetings list along the right-hand side of the page is now dynamic, and will show any meetings coming up in the next 30 days. Since this is pulled directly from the database, it will always be accurate.
  • Can't find what you're looking for? Check out the Site Map link to see a complete listing of all pages in the site.
  • Our Photo Gallery page now has thumbnails that can be clicked to show you a larger version of each photo. Again, we are relying on our members to keep those action shots coming!
  • Member directory pages now have picture icons for sports worked instead of the old "true" and "false" method used before. This should be a much cleaner way to quickly see which official works each sport. (A special thanks to Kelly White, web designer for the Kalamazoo Officials Association, for this idea and how to implement it!)
  • You can now pay your dues or donate to our new scholarship fund directly from our website using PayPal. Check out this new feature on the Pay Dues page and the Student Scholarship page.
  • We also provide content about the following:
    • Becoming a member.
    • Meeting information and requirements.
    • How to get assignments.

Note: Please make sure to use the Info Update form to keep our member database accurate. All member information seen on the site comes from this database. If you don't get us the changes, they won't be accurate on the site. Remember that this is completely separate from changing your information in the ArbiterSports system.

About the FBOA

The Fruit Belt Officials Association is an organization serving high school athletic officials in southwest Michigan. Our members referee and umpire the following sports: football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, baseball and softball. The mission of our group is as follows:

  • To provide training.
  • To provide a forum for regular rules and mechanics study.
  • To promote the positive image of officials in our community.
  • To promote members' growth by engaging speakers of interest.
  • To further our avocation by recruiting, training and integrating new officials.

Our web site is designed to enhance this mission by providing quick access to updated information about the FBOA, its members, area schools and officiating links of interest, as well as to provide a live forum through the bulletin board system. It is intended for FBOA members, school personnel and anyone in the community interested in area sports and the way they are officiated. Enjoy your visit!

Current Officers

President Dave Waaso
Vice President Marc Kenyon
Secretary Daniel Barz
Treasurer David Buck
Trustee Ian Bossert
Trustee Kevin Burger
Trustee Mike Emerson
Trustee Loren Johnson

Current Trainers and Coordinators

Sport Name Role Email Address
Baseball Dale Yoder Trainer and New Prospect Coordinator
  Steve Petlick Trainer
Basketball Ian Bossert Trainer
Football Steve Petlick Trainer and New Prospect Coordinator
Softball Bret Damaske Trainer and New Prospect Coordinator
Softball Howard Jackson Trainer
Volleyball Dan Barz Trainer and New Prospect Coordinator
Wrestling Brian Kuemin Trainer and New Prospect Coordinator